Comelec admits it Cannot Regulate Content of anti-Duterte Ad

Comelec spokesperson Atty. James Jimenez said that the Commission on Elections cannot, under the rules, regulate content of the now controversial anti-Duterte ad/s.

Jimenez also added that Political ads against a candidate are not prohibited by law.

The COMELEC, among others, drew flak from netizens when an anti-Duterte series of ads appeared on radio, and then in TV networks.

Netizens do not agree though with what the Comelec spokesperson is saying, pointing out that under the Fair Elections Act, and corollary to it, R.A. 7619, or the so-called "Violence against Women and Children Law," the said ad/s are against the law. 

They also pointed out that, granting that if ever, it is not explicitly prohibited, the use of children in a negative campaign ad, is unethical and morally offensive.