Judy Ann Santos used

Manila Representative Bienvenido Abante Jr., said Judy Ann Santos may have violated the Consumer Act of the Philippines by what he described as her “irresponsible statement.”

In the House, Abante said Article 110 of the Consumers Act might be applied to Judy Ann Santos likening the systems loss to ice melting in transit from one store to another.

Article 110 states that “it shall be unlawful for any person to disseminate or to cause the dissemination of any false, deceptive or misleading advertisement by Philippine mail or in commence by print, radio, television, outdoor advertisement or other medium for the purpose of inducing or which is likely to induce directly or indirectly the purchase of consumer products or services.”

“Nauunawaan po kaya ni Judy Ann ang kanyang sinabi? Kitang kita po na kanyang kinampihan ang Meralco laban sa mga consumers na siguro karamihan ay kanyang mga fans din, mga kaibigan [Does Judy Ann understand what she said? I myself saw her defend Meralco against the consumers, most of whom probably are also her fans, her friends],” Abante said in his personal and collective privilege speech.

“Judy Ann may not realize the consequence of her action. I am concerned that Judy Ann was blindly convinced [to take on] her role for reasons only known to her and Meralco,” he said.

Even if the systems loss includes losses to pilferage, Abante said Santos’ advertisement remained deceptive and misleading because melting ice is an act of nature while theft or pilferage is a “voluntary, intentional and criminal act.”

“Therefore, one could not, as it should not be, compared with the other,” the Manila solon said.

“I am afraid that Article 110 of the Consumers Act may be applied to the irresponsible statement of Judy Ann Santos. Her statement is clearly against public interest,” Abante said.

Meanwhile, Executive Secretary Eduardo Ermita indirectly acknowledged Judy Ann Santos popularity, cautioning the public: "Uulitin ko, taumbayan ang maghuhusga. Tayo ba ay maapektuhan ng nagsasalita in behalf or Meralco dahil magandang dalaga o lalaki ang nagsasabi, o iyong katotohanan pa rin pagdating ng resibo? Bumaba ba o tumaas ang electricity? Iyon ang mahalaga [Let me repeat, the people will judge. Shall we be swayed by the one who speaks on behalf of Meralco because the speaker is beautiful or handsome, or by the truth that arrives with the bill? Is electricity cheaper or more expensive? That is the important thing]."