Canadian PM Justin Trudeau Handsome Looks Captivates Philippines

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, with Mexico President Enrique Pena Nieto vie for #APEChottie at the APEC summit being held in Manila, Philippines, Nov.17-20.

Canada Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has been trending on Twitter in the Philippines (which caught on worldwide) for his handsome looks. Trudeau is billed as the "Canadian bae", while President Pena Nieto is the Mexican "papi."

Justin Trudeau's good looks has been largely talked about not just in the Philippines but also the world over since becoming Canada's Prime Minister just last month. A UK-based newspaper The Mirror, even published an article entitled "Is Justin Trudeau the sexiest politician in the world?"

But, it is not all roses for Justin Trudeau in the Philippines. A protest by militant groups condemned the Canadian President for the garbage shipped to the Philippines from Canada.