Beauty Gonzalez posts Controversial Pregnant photo

Beauty Gonzalez who is very much pregnant, posted a sensitive photo of herself on Instagram.

It was artistically photographed/done though. Beauty Gonzalez probably posted the photo for propriety based on her caption. She said:
Loving the changes with my body and in my life, a good kinda fat I'm told so in a happy place I truly am. So blessed to be with the one I love for the one we love, our little Blueberry So grateful for all the love and support from all of you, from the girl I was, to the woman I am, and for the mother I will be.
On October 24, 2015, Beauty Gonzalez finally announced on her IG account that she is pregnant, after so much speculation on her supposed pregnancy (this blog was one of the very first to reveal that she is indeed pregnant). She announced:
I'd like you all to meet our future baby girl!! I am the happiest girl in the world and also the luckiest to receive so much love and support from all of you. My little blueberry and I feel the love and positive vibes. Thank you. What a wonderful world it truly is.