
Kris Aquino and Herbert Bautista on honeymoon mode in Rome, Italy

Kris Aquino and Herbert Bautista had a tryst in Rome, Italy last January 2017, according to Ricky Lo quoting his source. In his column, he mentioned that Kristek's Roman Holiday as “on honeymoon mode.”

Ricky Lo posted:

According to Funfare’s VDPA (Very Deep Penetration Agent): “in the heart of Rome,” he has spotted Kristek in the same hotel where he was staying, “so sweet that they seem to be on honeymoon mode.”

Ricky posted too that it was not a coincidence that Kris Aquino and Quezon City Mayor Herbert “Bistek” Bautista were in Rome two weeks ago.

"Kris posted on her Instagram that, unlike in previous trips abroad with sons Joshua and Bimby, she was for the first time traveling alone to rendezvous with her “mystery” admirer. Destination: Rome." 

"Bistek happened to be in Rome at that time (Jan. 17 to 27), allegedly as a member of the Philippine panel for the peace talks with the NDF (National Democratic Front)? Bistek must have had ample spare time to talk “peace” with Kris."

Kris Aquino, seemingly in reaction to this piece by Mr. Lo, posted on her IG: