Andre Yllana - Cute son of Aiko Melendez and Jomari Yllana

Andre Yllana, the cute son of Aiko Melendez and Jomari Yllana graduates from high school. Andrei Yllana graduated from a progressive school, Community of Learners Foundation (C.O.L.F.). Andre Yllana is also now a Star Magic talent.

Mom Aiko Melendez, posted the following:

“To our son @andreyllana dada @jomariyllana @jickainmarthena (her daughter with ex-husband Martin Jickain) are so proud of you… Your dad and I may not be together anymore but we made a pact that whatever happens we will become the best parents that we can be to you.. We may not be the perfect mom and dad for you but pls know that we are doing our very best to raise you the best way we can:) Congrats son!!! Pls next diploma will be college and an acting award also ahahaha! #clubfilipino #colfgraduation”

An interesting insight into Andre's graduation is that he graduated from a progressive school. It is different from Traditional education, the norm in the Philippines.

Per Wikipedia, progressive education finds its roots in present experience. Most progressive education programs have these qualities in common:

Emphasis on learning by doing – hands-on projects, expeditionary learning, experiential learning

Integrated curriculum focused on thematic units Integration of entrepreneurship into education

Strong emphasis on problem solving and critical thinking

Group work and development of social skills

Understanding and action as the goals of learning as opposed to rote knowledge

Collaborative and cooperative learning projects Education for social responsibility and democracy

Highly personalized learning accounting for each individual's personal goals Integration of community service and service learning projects into the daily curriculum

Selection of subject content by looking forward to ask what skills will be needed in future society

De-emphasis on textbooks in favor of varied learning resources Emphasis on lifelong learning and social skills

Assessment by evaluation of child’s projects and productions.