Liz Uy on suing Fashion Pulis

Liz Uy posted on her social media accounts about her suing Fashion Pulis blogger Mike Sy Lim. She posted a photo that says "Stop the Hate" and then said:

As a former fashion editor, I was trained to uphold FAIR and RESPONSIBLE journalism at all times. When I transitioned into celebrity styling and accidentally became a public figure myself, I learned to embrace that being scrutinized by the public is part and parcel of that position. 
However, sometimes things can be taken too far and place me in a bad light, discrediting my hard work, my team, and my styling company. I am not the first victim—many others have chosen to remain silent. I could have done the same, but in the end, I realized that if we always let him get away with cyber bullying, then he will continue to propagate untruthful claims and malicious gossip on his blog and social media accounts. 
Thank you to everyone who has expressed their support. I am fighting this battle not just for myself, but for every single person—celebrity and otherwise—who has been bashed relentlessly and unfairly. #StopTheHate