Kris Aquino Slams James Yap Anew

Diversionary tactics for all the bad rep she has been receiving of late? Kris Aquino slams ex-husband James Yap for the nth time in her IG account.

Kris Aquino hits James Yap for not being there for their son, Bimby in his 1st Communion.

Kris Aquino said:
Tuesday was the rehearsal & 1st Confession, Bimb's actual 1st Communion is on Thursday, November 26. (I prayed a lot today, weighing sharing the whole truth vs. keeping quiet but fearing that Bimb & I will again be put in a bad light. I'm choosing to share just the simple facts but not posting screen grabs of texts that could come across as pinamukha ko pa ang pagsisinungaling... 
While we were in Hawaii, to be precise 2X on Oct 31, 12 hours apart I sent a text informing Bimb's father about his 1st Holy Communion & extending an invitation. 
I had gone to Church 2X while on vacation & felt that I should give him the opportunity to be part of this special occasion, primarily because of the 4th Commandment: To honor thy father & mother. 
I got no reply until Tuesday, Nov 24- and only because on Sunday in an IG comment saying it would be good for Bimb's father to be present I answered w/ the truth that our invitation was ignored.)

I reached a turning point in 2014 when I felt I didn't want my son deprived of a relationship w/ his father because of pride. We settled amicably in court regarding visitation... 
I know you know how I dote on my 2 sons, and I prayed for Bimb to feel loved & appreciated not just by me & Kuya, & those close to me, but also by his father & if that meant humbling myself & opening the door to communication, I did do it. 
I don't have to say much more, all you have to do is check the social media accounts of both of Bimb's parents & you'll see the truth regarding prioritizing parental responsibility. 
The reason for this post is simple, sana matauhan sya that he's missing out on being a father to such a good boy. And it's sad that there is no effort for this kind hearted & generous boy from the other person in this world who should want to be a part of his life. 
Hindi ko pinipigilan, walang issue na sunduin nya sa school at mag merienda sila, pero wala pong kusa. No sharing even w/ just education expense, sana man lang Time & Effort. SAD, but that's why Bimb has learned to not look for who's not there for him.