Empress Schuck Cute Pictures

Cute teen star Empress Schuck pics. Empress Schuck Q&A:

1. Are you and Dino Imperial dating? No. Dino and I are just really good friends.

2. Are you the real Empress Schuck? Yes. But if you don't believe me that's ok with me

3. Where do you live? Makati. Sorry, I can't tell you our exact address.

4. Do you ym? Yes, I have but I don't open it that much. My ym is empress_pinkikay@yahoo.com

5. Do you like/love Dino? Yes, I love him as a friend and as my "KUYA". :)

6. Do you have friendster? Yup. It's empluvsyou@yahoo.com.ph

7. Does Dino courting you? No, he doesn't. He have gf already.

8. Who's your crush? Drake Bell and Jesse Mccartney

9. Do you have a boyfriend? Yes, I have. My GUITAR!

10. Do you have any siblings? Yah. I have 3 brothers and 1 sister.

11. Are you still friends with Sam Concepcion? Yup, we're still friends. We're always texting and chatting.

12. Do you know Cheska Ortega? Yup. But I haven't meet her yet.

13. Who do you think is prettier? you or Cheska Ortega? Cheska Ortega.

14. Are you affected of being closeness of Sam and Cheska? No. Why would I?

15. Have you ever dream of being a hollywood star? Yup.Yup.Yup

16. What's your favorite part of being famous? Meeting new people. Learning new things about life.

17. Who's your crush that is not a celebrity? hmm...our neighbor! ahaha! :)

18. Have you ever thought about going out with Dino Imperial? No.

19. What kind of girl does Dino Imperial like? Well, you better ask him.

20. Who's your bestfriend? I have lots of bestfriends.

21. How old are you? I'm 15.

22. Do you think you are cuter than Lauren Young? I don't know.

23. Have you ever had a bf? Nope.

24. Does Lauren Young have a bf? She's single.

25. Does your sister have a bf? Yup.

26. Do you like Sam Concepcion even a little? NO! we're just friends.

27. Who's your worst enemy? None.

28. Where do you usually hang-out? Starbucks.

29. Does Dino have a ym? Yup but sorry I cannot give it to you.

30. What's your favorite sports? Volleyball and basketball